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Humanities Resource Center

Discover information on topics in the humanities - from literature and history, to art and music. Below you will find links to academic literature, the classics, digitized collections of primary documents, online exhibits and more…

  • JSTOR (Members Only)

    Full-text, full-image archive of over one thousand leading academic journals across the humanities and social sciences, as well as select monographs and over 23,000 pamphlets.

  • American Social History Online

    More than 40 primary source collections of 19th and 20th American Social History from leading research libraries, including digitized photographs, maps, sheet music, documents.

  • The European Library: Collections

    The European Library is a gateway to Europe’s national libraries offering access to the resources of the 48 national libraries of Europe. Digitized collections include books, posters, maps, sound recordings, videos, manuscripts, etc. The site allows browsing of collections by country or subject, as well as searching within and across collections. 

  • The Library of Congress: American Memory

    Online collections from African American and Native American history, literature, music and architecture. Resources provide access to text, sound recordings, images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience.

  • OAIster

    A union catalog of digital resources from over 1,000 libraries and institutions. OAIster currently offers access to over 10 million items, including digitized and born-digital texts, audio files, images, video and scholarly articles.

  • Perseus Project from Tufts University

    Full text ancient Greek and Latin literature, information on the history and civilization of classical antiquity, and images of ancient art.

  • Smithsonian Libraries: Digital Library

    The Smithsonian Libraries' online 'Digital Library' contains digital publications, collections and objects including: online exhibitions, webcastsdigital editionsbibliographies and fact sheets, finding aids and inventories for trade literature and artist files.

  • Wright American Fiction (1851-1875)

    Collection of almost 3,000 digitized nineteenth-century American fiction in an ongoing cooperative project of Big Ten university libraries.